A last will/testament refers to a legal document that an individual makes for personal properties and assets. The document describes in details how to distribute these assets upon their death. Moreover, the person making the will is called a testator. This document can be written manually with the help of an attorney or using an online DIY approach. Creating an online will is a simple, easy and cheaper means of achieving this need. Ultimately, what you get will be filed in a probate court before it can be implemented.
The testator can use this document as a gift to family members, and anyone who deserves to be a benefactor. Moreover, the testator may also want to gift any properties to a charity home. Or leave them as an inheritance to a deserving person. The valid wills prepared ahead of time ensures that the case of intestacy does not come into play. By the way, an intestacy is a document that comes into effect if the deceased did not write a will.
What properties does an online will serve?
Some properties that a testator can bequeath to their loved ones include tangible assets and acquired properties. They have real estate, clothing, company shares, furniture, jewelry, books and other material items. Meanwhile, the testator must also carefully decide how they will be applied. Then, he must decide how to distribute the assets in detail when they pass on. For an online will to be valid, the following factors need to be in place.

- An online will must eventually be transferred to a hard copy
- The testator of choice must be at least 18 years old. If the testator is younger than 18, the law provides that the guardian can stand in place for the testator. This assumption is valid only until the testator matures to the legal age.
- A testator of a will must have a sound mind when the will is being prepared. This condition is crucial to ensure that the testator fully understands the intention, essence, effects, and application of a will.
- Another need for validating a will has two witnesses, each of whom must be 18 years of age. These witnesses will append their signatures on the printed will at the end of the process. Your witnesses must also be individuals with no stake in the properties or assets and cannot gain from the will.
- The signature of a testator is very crucial to validate the online will. After your online choice, you must print it for signing with your attorney and two legal witnesses. If these signatures are not complete on the will, the probate court may reject it. A rejection means that the will cannot be used.
- Witnesses’ signatures must not take place at the same time. When the process is rounded off, one witness can sign without the other witness being present. However, the testator must always be present while validating an online will. At the same time, the witnesses may need to acknowledge the testator’s signature.
- All wills must be written with free will, and no level of coercion or manipulation can be allowed. The probate court may freely stop validating the will if there is inconsistency.
How to use an online will
A will or testament only becomes valid at the testator’s death, who must be at least 18 years old. A testator must also be of age when preparing the will. In the legal document, the testator makes all his intentions, designs and decisions known in written form. More so, he assigns how each item will be distributed with details of the items and the beneficiary. Who and what are the required items in executing a will?

- The beneficiary of the will
The beneficiary of a will is the person receiving the property or asset as stated in the will. It could be an investment, an object or a physical item given as the testator desires. In filling out the online form, the testator must fill in the full details of the beneficiaries. The testator must provide the full names and addresses of the beneficiaries. On the other hand, the testator should provide all the details of the given property or asset.
- Will executor
The will executor ensures that the will’s contents are implemented. In some cases, the beneficiary could also be the designated executor of a will. Still, the beneficiary cannot be a witness to the will. Otherwise, the beneficiary may forfeit the property. For instance, a person’s spouse, child or close relative can serve as a will executor. A testator may appoint a secondary or backup executor to act in place of the executor. This person may be necessary if the executor is unavailable.
- The Guardian
If a testator has a child with a particular need, he may appoint a guardian to care for them. This legal responsibility is to take care of the child’s needs until they reach the age of 18. Also, the guardian must act in the best interest of the child or pet they are watching. Some essential factors to consider in choosing a guardian include the relationship to the testator. You may also consider the person’s age and location.

- Trustee
A trustee is the appointed person in custody of the will if a beneficiary is not yet 18. This person takes care of the inheritance until the beneficiary reaches the age of 18. And at full age of the beneficiary, the trustee hands over the property. In many cases, the person serving as a trustee can also work as an executor of the will. Under the law, the trustee has a right to receive the inheritance on behalf of the trust if necessary.
At the end of the process of online will creation, you must acknowledge the facts inside the will. Other entities may include assigning specific gifts to specific people in the will, having a residue and creating other provisions.
See Also: Common misconceptions about online wills debunked.